Kids & Customer Reviews
The ones that count the most…
Adele, 5 and a bit years old (via her mum).
"They both loved it to bits. They said, 'we have to take really good care of it because it's so special', and the 7 year old made this [picture] for you."
"Yay my 2 copies of SOME GIRLS have arrived! One for me and one for my school library. Principal is now keen to order a set for the library."
"Look what arrived in the mail! We love it!"
As an educator getting children and adults to think outside gender stereotypes is something I strive to achieve regularly. This book looks fantastic with beautiful drawings. Perfect for the children I work with everyday.
Kylie Grey, Kinder Teacher (Melbourne)
These are the things that should be included in the next book, SOME BOYS, according to the grade 3/4s at Yea Primary.
Bronte, 6 years old (via her mum):
"We got SOME GIRLS today!! We read it straight away and I quote, 'It's like she write this book for me.' Bronte is reading it again and identifying with all of the girls, particularly the ninja. Thank you nelly!"
"6yo on the couch feeling poorly, cheered by the arrive of SOME GIRLS which she has just read twice." Emily Lee-Ack
"Thanks Nelly the books aRE AWESOME! They arrived safely and my nieces will get copies for Christmas :)." Fiona Hayward
Carlton Primary kids doing classroom activitIes inspired by SOME GIRLS
"It was a very special book! Thank you so much. Athalia really liked it too because she sometimes has people say she is a boy for having short hair!! So lovely, definitely can’t wait for some boys." Miss Farano, Good Shepherd Catholic School
"its here! I can't wait to read it to my kids who I'll be late picking up from school because I spent time taking photos of the book."
Nelly's partner Lachlan spotted a dad reading SOME GIRLS to his daughter at the hairdressers! He sent her this text message (NB, he can normally spell quite well!)
"We received out copy of SOME GIRLS. Sophie ran out the door with the book to take to her Grade 4 class." Jodie Leahy