Role models

Here's a few public figures who don't neatly fit into gender stereotypes.

They are good role models for all kids because they have the guts to be themselves.

And if, like me, you've got a kid in your life who doesn't fit the mould neatly, people like this might help them see that being unique is to be celebrated.

My friend and colleague Cal Wilson who always rocks an awesome haircut.

My friend and colleague Cal Wilson who always rocks an awesome haircut.

David Beckham rocking a skirt and Victoria wearing the pant-suit.

David Beckham rocking a skirt and Victoria wearing the pant-suit.

Annie Lennox, obviously.

Annie Lennox, obviously.

The original and the best? RIP David Bowie.

The original and the best? RIP David Bowie.

Western Bulldogs player Liam Picken with his partner Annie Nolan.

Western Bulldogs player Liam Picken with his partner Annie Nolan.

Pink - who requires no explanation at all.

Pink - who requires no explanation at all.

Ro Allen, Australia's first Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality

Ro Allen, Australia's first Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality

Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM who leads by example with kind and gentle compassion and who uses social media to encourage men and boys to seek help if they need it.

Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM who leads by example with kind and gentle compassion and who uses social media to encourage men and boys to seek help if they need it.



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